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Application is invited for Combined Recruitment for 1 Field Ordnance Depot, 15 Field Ammunition Depot, Northern Comd Vehicle Depot, Ordnance Transit Group, 39 Mtn Div Ord Unit, 10 Inf Div Or...d Unit and 25 Inf Div Ord Unit from eligible Male and Female candidates for the post of Fireman (Male only), Telephone Operator Gde-II, Tradesman (Mate), Civilian Motor Driver, Safaiwala, LDC, Stenographer Gde-II and Material Assistant (SSK/SS) for filling up 201 Vacancies. Apply .

Designation of Post
No of Vacancies
Pay Scale
₹ 5200 - 20200 Grade Pay ₹ 1900/- Revised B.Pay ₹ 19,900/-
Telephone Operator Grade-II
₹ 5200 - 20200 Grade Pay ₹ 2000/- Revised B.Pay ₹ 21,700/-
Tradesmen (Mate).
₹ 5200 - 20200 Grade Pay ₹ 1900/- Revised B.Pay ₹ 18,000/-
₹ 5200 - 20200 Grade Pay ₹ 1800/- Revised B.Pay ₹ 18,000/-
Civilian Motor Driver
₹ 5200 - 20200 Grade Pay ₹ 1900/- Revised B.Pay ₹ 19,900/-
₹ 5200 - 20200 Grade Pay ₹ 1900/- Revised B.Pay ₹ 19,900/-
Stenographer Grade-II..
₹ 5200 - 20200 Grade Pay ₹ 1900/- Revised B.Pay ₹ 19,900/-
Material Assistant.
₹ 5200 - 20200 Grade Pay ₹ 2400/- Revised B.Pay ₹ 29,200/-
Age Limit: Material Assistant - 18 to 27 Years; For all other posts - 18 to 25 Years. Age Relaxation as per Govt. Rules..
Educational Qualifications:-
Material Assistant -> Graduate Degree in any discipline or equivalent from the recognized University/ Board or Diploma   in Material Management or Diploma in Engineering from any recognized university.
LDC / Steno. -> Matric with 12th Class or equivalent from the recognized University / Board.
Fireman / Telephone Operator / Tradesmen / Safaiwala / Civilian Motor Driver -> 10th (Matric) class or equivalent from the recognized University/ Board.
Selection Process: Combined Written Test.
How to Apply: Eligible Candidates apply in the prescribed application format. Candidates are advised to attach self attested copies of required documents as applicable along with (Size 12 x 18 cm) one x self addressed registered envelope with ₹ 25/- postage stamps..
The completed application should be addressed to Commandant, 15 FAD, PIN : 909715, C/o 56 APO by Ordinary/ Registered/ Speed post within 21 days from the .ast date of publication of this advertisement in Employment News Paper dated 11 - 17 February 2017 Issue (i.e. Last date will be 03/03/2017).

HQ 54 Movement Control Group Pin-900.120, C/o 56 APO invites applications for recruitment of Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Tally Clerk, MTS, Cook, Barber and Washerman. Eligible persons apply within 21 days from the date of advertisement in Employment News Paper dated 11th to 17th February 2017 Issue.
Name of Post
No of Vacancies
Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
(1) 12th class. or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University. 

(2) English Typing @ 35. w.p.m. on computer. Hindi Typing @ 30 w.p.m. on computer (35 words per minute and 30 words per minute corresponding to 10500/ 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word.
Tally .Clerk
(1) Matriculation or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University. 
(2) Three year experience in Shipping work.
(1) Matriculation or equivalent from recognized Board. 
(2) Must have knowledge in Indian cooking & proficiency in trade.
MTS (Safaiwala)
(1) Essential - Matriculation or equivalent from recognized Board. 
(2) Desirable - Conversant with the duties of the trade with one year experience in the trade.
MTS (Watchman)
(1) Essential - Matriculation or equivalent from recognized Board. 
(2) Desirable - Conversant with the duties of the trade with one year experience in the trade.
(1) Essential - Matriculation or equivalent from recognized Board with proficiency in Barber’s trade job. 
(2) Desirable - One year experience in the trade.
(1) Matriculation or equivalent from recognized Board. 
(2) Must be able to the wash Military/ Civilian cloths thoroughly well.
Age Limit: 18 to 25 Years as on closing date.
Place of Posting: The posts are presently located at Jodhpur, Raiwala (Dehradun), Mathura, Suratgarh, Mumbai & Chennai. However all the posts carry All India Service Liability & selected individuals are liable to be posted anywhere in India.
Selection Process: Witten Test, Practical Test and Tr.ade Test
How to Apply: Applications completed in all respects as per .4 Movement Control Group, Pin- 900120 C/o 56 APO on or before 21  days of the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News (i.e. Last date will be 03/02/2017). Applicants are requested to super-scribe the words “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ____” on top of the envelope while sending the application.

Government of India, Ministry of Defence, 344 Coy ASC (Sup) Type 'B'. C/O 56 APO invites applications from eligible Indian national candidates to fill up following posts of Group 'C'. Eligible candidates apply within 21 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in Employment News Paper (dated 21st to 27th J.anuary 2017).
Name of Post
No of Vacancies
Age Limit
Pay Band and Grade Pay
UR - 18 to 25 Years 
ST – 18 to 30 Years
PB-1 ₹ 5200-20200 plus Grade Pay of ₹ 1800
OBC – 18 to 2.8 Years
PB-1 ₹ 5200-20200 plus Grade Pay of ₹ 1900
SC – 18 to 30 Years
PB-1 ₹ 5200-20200 plus Grade Pay of ₹ 1800
UR – 18 to 25 Years 
SC / ST – 18 to 30 Years
OBC – 18 to 28 Years
PB-1 ₹ 5200-20200 plus Grade Pay of ₹ 1900
Educational Qualifications:..
Mazdoor -> 10th Standard pass or equivalent from a recognize Board.
Cook -> Matriculation pass or equivalent from recognize Board. Must have knowledge of Indian Cooking and proficiency in trade.
Chowkidar -> Matriculation pass or equi.valent from recognize Board. Desirable - Conversant with the duties of chowkidar trade with one year experience in the trade.
Fireman -> 10th Standard pass from a recognized Board. Must be conversant with the use 
and maintenance of all types of extinguishers, hose fitting and fire appliances and equipment fire engines, trailer, pumps, foam branches. Must be familiar with the use a.nd maintenance first-a.id fire fighting appliances and Trailer Fire Pump. Must know elementary principles of Fire Fighting method employed in fighting different types of fire. Must be conversant with- foot and appliance Fire Service Drills and be able to .perform the task allotted to the members of fire crew. Must have served in a recognized Civil or Defence Fire Brigade as Fireman Grade II for a minimum period of three years. Must be physically fit and capable of performing strenuous duties.
Physical Standards:-
(a) Height - Without shoe 165 Cms .provided that a concession of 2.5 cms height shall be allowed for member of Schedule Tribes. 
(b) Chest (Un-expanded) - Min 81.5 cms.
(c) Chest (on expansion) - Min 85 Cms.
(d) Weight - 50 Kgs (Minimum).
Selection Process: Physical test / Trade test / Endurance test and Written Test
How to Apply: Eligible candidates should submit their application in the prescribed format. Completed applications along with Photo-copies of documents reach to 344 Coy ASC (Sup) Type 'B', PIN-905344, c/o 56 APO. Candidate will enclose a self-addressed envelope, affixing postal stamp of ₹ 25../- alongwith the application required for dispatch of Acknowledgement Card if screened successfully.
The candidates as required to super scribe on the top envelope "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF "_________" (POST) and cat applied for _________ (UR/SC/OB.C/ST/ESP/MSP). Apply within 21 days from date of 
publication of this advertisement (i.e. Last date may be
 10/02/2017) and within 28 days for the, candidates belonging to Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep from the date of publication of the advertisement.

Government of India, Ministry of Defence,. 181 Pet Pl ASC, C/o 56 APO invites applications from eligible Indian Nationals for filling up following Group 'C' (Erstwhile Group 'D') Vacancies. Eligible Persons apply within 21 days from the date of advertisement in Employment News paper dated 7th to 13th January 2017 Issu.e.
Name of Post
No of Vacancies
Age Limit
Pay Scale
Tradesman Mate
UR – 18 to 25 Years 
SC – 18 to 30 Years
PB-1 ₹ 5200 - 20200 with Grade Pay ₹ 1800/- (Minimum in Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC)
Fireman (Only for Male)
UR – 18 to 27 Years 
SC – 18 to 32 Years
SC – 18 to 30 Years
PB-1 ₹ 5200 - 20200 with Grade Pay ₹ 1900/- (Minimum in Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC)
Essential Qualifications:
Tradesman Mate ->.
(a) 10th Standard (Matriculation) pass from a recognized Board. 
(b) Weightage for written test & practical test will be thereto 100 : Qualifying = 40 % : Qualifying.
Fireman ->.
(a) 10th Standard (Matric) pass under 10 + 2 system recognized by Central/State Government. 
(b) Physical fitness & capability to perform strenuous duties.
(c) Preference will be given to candidates who have knowledge/ experience of fire fighting.
Selection Process: Physical Endurance Test / Written Test.
How to Apply: Candidates will enclose two self addressed envelops affixing postal stamp of ₹ 25/- along with the application required for dispatch of Acknowledgement/Admit Card if screened successfully so as to reach Officer Commanding, 181  & 203 Pet PI ASC, PIN-905181 , C/o 56 APO within 21 days from the date of publication of this advertisement. The last date will be 27/01/2017.
The candidates are required to super-scribe on the top of envelop APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF “INDUSTRIAL MAZDOOR (TRADESMAN MATE)” OR FIREMAN (as applicabl.e) ALONG WITH SELF & FATHER’S NAME. Acknowledgement/Admit Card & Certificate from Attesting Authority to be typed on separate A4 size plain paper as per Appendix ‘B’ & ‘C’.  The application must be posted to the addressee only under REGISTERED/ SPEED POST. Application posted through Normal Post & Courier etc. will not be accepted.

Details & Application Format >>

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