AAI Junior Assistant Recruitment 2017
Airport Authority of India (AAI) invited from the eligible
candidates who are Domicile of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, of Tamil
Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,
Karnataka, Kerala, Pondicherry and Lakshadweep Island to fill up the
post of Junior Assistant (Fire Service) / NE (4 at various
airports in the above states in Southern Region. Total number of post
likely to be filled and the eligibility criteria for the post is as
Airports Authority of India Notification 2017
The main purpose of the AAI Junior Assistant recruitment 2017 to fill
one hundred and forty-seven vacant posts in its southern region. The
Airports Authority of India is looking for hard working and talented
candidates who are willing to work in their organisation. In order to
fill up the vacant posts, the organisation has published the AAI Junior Assistant recruitment 2017
notification on February 16th. Here we have collected all essential
details from the notification and placed on this page. If you wish to
apply for these AAI Junior Assistant jobs check all the details
mentioned on this and as well go through the notification. This is athe
great opportunity for the job seekers who are looking for employment in
the government sector.
Job details
- No. of posts: 149
- Name of posts: Jr. Assistant
- Educational qualification: 10th Pass + 3 years' approved regular Diploma in Mechanical/ Automobile/ Fire with minimum 50% marks (OR) 12th Pass (Regular Study) with 50% marks.
- Driving License: a) Valid Heavy Vehicle Driving License (OR) b)Valid Medium Vehicle License issued before 31/03/2016 (OR) c) Valid LMV License issued before 31/03/2015. In case of (b) & (c), on qualifying the written test the candidate shall be informed in writing to produce a valid Heavy to produce a valid Heavy Vehicle Driving License at the time of Driving Test. In case, the candidate fails time of Driving Test. to do so then he shall not be allowed to take Driving Test and be straightway disqualified for the further selection procedure.
- Desirable: Additional weightage shall be given to a candidate possessing any one or more of the following only. a) Computer Science as subject at 12th class level; b) NCC 'B' Certificate c) Relevant experience in an aviation/regular/industrial fire service. d) Basic Fire Fighting Training Course from AAI Fire Training Establishment (e) Sub Fire Officer Course from National Fire Service College, Nagpur.
- Physical Fitness:
- Eye Sight: Distance Vision – 6/6 At Both Eyes Without Glasses. Near Vision – N5 In Both Eyes Without Glasses. Colour Vision – Should be Normal as determined by Ischihara’s charts.
- Height: Not less than 167 cm.
- Chest: 81 Cm normal. Minimum expansion 5 Cms.
- Weight: Not less than 55 Kg.
- Hearing: Normal
- Speech: Normal
- Age limit: 18 to 35 years
- Application Fee: Demand Draft for Rs.100/( (Rupees One Hundred only) [non(refundable] drawn in favour of Airports Authority of India Airports Authority of India, payable at Chennai irports Authority of India Chennai Chennai so as to reach on or before 31/03/2017. Please mention Name of the candidate on the rever Please mention Name of the candidate on the reverse side of side of side of the Demand Draft the Demand Draft the Demand Draft. SC/ST candidates & Ex(Servicemen are exempted from payment of fees.
Selection Process
The candidates will have to appear for Written Test, Minimum pass : 50
marks for UR/OBC, 40 Marks for SC/ST. Candidates passed in written test
will be subjected to Medical Examination. Those cleared in Medical
examination shall be allowed for driving test subject to possessing
valid heavy license. Only on passing the driving test the candidate will
be allowed for endurance test. Running is the first test in Endurance
tests. The candidates who have qualified in “Running ” test only shall
be allowed to the remaining endurance tests. Based on successful
performance of above tests / Examination , a merit list will be made as
per reservations. The meritorious candidates as per notified vacancies
shall be nominated for Basic Training Course(BTC) for the period of 04
months at Fire training College FTC(New Delhi) or at Fire Staff Training
College FSTC (Kolkatta). The appointment order shall be issued only for
the candidate who successfully complete the BTC. During training,
incumbent is entitled for stipend as per the rules.
Centres for examination: 1. Trichy 2.Hyderabad 1. Trichy
2.Hyderabad 3. Mangalore 3. Mangalore 3. Mangalore 4. Trivandrum 5.A
Trivandrum 5.A Trivandrum 5.Agatti
How to apply:
Candidates, fulfilling the above conditions may submit their application
on plain paper (along with attested copy of relevant certificates) in
Hindi / English in the following format addressed to THE REGIONAL
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Airports Authority of India, Southern Region,
Chennai – 600 027 (the envelope should be superscripted by “Application
for the post of Junior Assistant (Fire Service) ) along with a Demand
Draft, Two recent passport size photographs, one affixed on application
and other one stapled and mention Name of the candidate on the reverse
side, Self Attested photocopies of Certificates regarding Educational
Qualification, Date of Birth (SSLC Certificate), Driving license [Full
copy (validity of license should be visible)], Caste Certificate in
prescribed format Ex servicemen certificate (wherever applicable), Valid
OBC certificates.
Address: The Regional Executive Director Airports Authority of India Sourthern Region Chennai - 600027
Important dates:
- ADVT. NO.-01/SR/2017
- Last date for receipt of application: 31/03/2017
Important links:
- Official advertisement: Click here
- Download application form: Click here
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