Total no of Posts: 108 Posts
Name of the Posts: Constable (Driver)
- Vacancies Against Civil Police: 05 Posts
- Vacancies Against IRBN: 103 Posts
Educational Qualification: Class-VIII for APST and Class-X passed for Other candidates with valid driving license for LMV/ MMV/ HMV.
Age Limit: Between 18 years to 28 years as on 01/01/2016
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on physical
standard test, physical endurance / efficiency test, written test,
Medical Exam, trade test & interview.
Physical Endurance / Efficiency Test: The short listed candidates
whose application/documents are found in order in all respects and who
are found fir in Physical Standard Test (PST) will be out through
physical efficiency test in the following events.
Written Test & Trade Test: The eligible candidates of
physical efficiency test will be put through written test & trade
test in the following subjects.
The written exam will be of Multiple choice objective type question paper on OMR format answer script.
The minimum pass marks in written exam/trade test will be 33% in each subject and 45% in aggregate.
Interview: The candidates scoring higher marks in written / trade
test in order of merit will be called for interview/viva voce at the
ratio of 1:3 with respect to the vacancies. The date, time and place
will be announced separately by the police department. Total marks for
the interview will be 40.
Merit List: The final merit list of the selected candidates will
be made on the basis of overall marks secured in the written test, trade
test and interview put together.
Application Fee: Candidates have to pay Rs. 40/- for General
candidates (Rs. 10/- for APST) through Treasury Challan in favor of Asst
Inspector General of Police (E), PHQ, Itanagar under Head of Account
“0055″ Police.
How to Apply: Interested candidates can apply on prescribe format
along with attested copies of qualification, proof of age, caste,
permanent residential certificate, valid driving liscence of LMV,
experience, 4 recent passport size colour photographs, self addressed
envelope, treasury Challan by post or hand to given below address.
Send your application to given address: Asst Inspector of Police (E), PHQ Itanagar-791113, Arunachal Pradesh.
Important Date:
Last date for receipt of application: 19/05/2016
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