To Crack any of the competitive exam is the tough problem between the dream and reality of gaining life time success. Aspirants who are preparing for any of the competitive exam and looking for some helpful tips to crack the examination, here on this page, they can get the tricks about How to prepare for written examination are very helpful for you to crack Any Exam.
Know about how to crack any written exam becomes easy if you have capability to use or follow the tips on your habit specially in case of scheduling and the routine that you may or may not follow on daily basis. At present almost every government or private organization takes entrance test / written test as well as interview to select candidates for any of the post. Those aspirants who are going for any of the competitive or interview examination they have to prepare well for it.
Written tests are based on knowledge, working skills, and abilities to learn that are required for a post. Candidates should make a proper study schedule that can boost their chance to get success and should keep themselves continuously motivated.
For Preparation Of Examination You Should Follow The Below Tips
Give yourself enough time to study. Don’t leave it until the last minute.
Organize your study space. Make sure you have enough space to spread your textbooks and notes out
Use flow charts and diagrams
Practice on old exams
Explain your answers to others
Organize study groups with friends
Take regular breaks
Written Examination Preparation Tricks
Preparation Material
Candidates who are preparing for exam firstly have to select the study material according to the new pattern. Books should be cover the new syllabus and latest exam pattern so you can study from latest and update study materiel. Books are the factor that plays an important role in success of any candidate. Unsolved papers play an important role in written exam.
Give More Time To Weak Subject
Every subject is important to get success in examination. When you prepare the time table, then it is required to give more time to subject in which you are weak. You also prepare your weak subject by getting tuition.
Consider Exam Pattern
Every exam has their exam pattern. Exam pattern include like duration of exam, number of questions, section of different subject, provision of negative marking or not, exam’s nature (subjective, objective or both). These are the points that the student must have to consider in his mind during his preparation and also during giving exam. It is more important to prepare yourself according to the pattern of exam but not the book. The candidate must think all the things in mind during his study and during giving the exam. Aspirants have to prepare themselves according to the exam pattern not to the books to get good marks
Division Of Subject According To The Time
Candidates have to divide the subject according to time. Good time tables will surely increases the possibility of success in the examination. If candidates create a proper time table that they can easily able to do study of all subjects because without a mannered time table you may not remember to give time to any subject or not able to give proper time to every subject. So, if you want to get success in competitive exam then you have to manage time in a finest way and make sure that you follow the time schedule in routine in a proper manner.
Improve Speed To Solving Questions
Time is the main phase of the written examination. Speed is importance requirement in exam. Prepare yourself according to exam time. You can test yourself through speed test which are available online. Try to practice the multiple choice questions daily that will surely helpful to improve speed.
Give Proper Time For Revision
Students must give proper time for revision of every topic of concepts, chapters, formulas and definition. Aspirants should keep revising their chapters within every 2 months during their preparation. The candidates can revise by the help of:
Self Prepared Notes- self notes grow confidence of aspirants and make theirbasics more strong and it will absolutely increase your success in your exam.
Expert Supervision- You can take the advice or supervision of experts it is necessary for any exam preparation. Students must solve previous year papers and some more difficult test papers / sample papers also with the help of the experts. And aspirants must do preparation according to the exam pattern also.
It is important to use common sense when facing a written test:
Get plenty of sleep the night before and be sure to dress comfortably and eat breakfast
If you are not sure where the test site is, take a drive to the site before the test date
Leave yourself plenty of time to get to the test site just in case there is traffic or you have car problems
On The Day Of The Test
- Arrive at the testing location early enough so that you can get relaxed before the start of the test. But don’t arrive so early that you have time to become anxious
- Do not bring family or friends to the examination site. Space is arranged only for applicants and the monitoring staff
- You are not permitted to bring books, manuals, notes or pads into the test room.
- Calculators and watches with memory capability, electronic paging devices, recording or filming devices, radios, computers, cellular phones, and other mechanical and electronic devices are not permitted in the test room
- Be sure to bring two sharpened No. 2 pencils with you.
- Be sure to read and follow the instructions given in your scheduling letter about what you need to bring to the test site.
- If you should bring any additional materials with you, such as a calculator, a pen, etc., this will be mentioned in your scheduling let
- Be sure to bring your scheduling letter and a photo ID that includes your signature with you
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